======================================================= A C T I V E L O C K 1.5 ======================================================= This file contains important INSTALL NOTES. You'll find the DISCLAIMER and COPYRIGHT INFORMATION on the ActiveLock control "ABOUT box". ======================================================= ======================================================= README.TXT - CONTENTS ======================================================= 1. Overview 2. Install notes (IMPORTANT!!!) 3. Distribution notes 4. Get the lastest version ======================================================= ======================================================= 1. OVERVIEW ======================================================= ACTIVELOCK is an antipiracy tool and a way to get more information about your users, all rolled into one compact control. Use ActiveLock to disable certain features of your application until it is registered (the "crippleware" approach), or have the software disable itself entirely after a set time ("trialware"). If your application is strictly freeware, you can use ActiveLock to solicit user information. You build the forms that ActiveLock uses to interact with the user; the control itself just handles what goes on behind the scenes. (ACTIVEX.COM DISPATCH - Vol. 3, No. 3) ======================================================= ======================================================= 2. INSTALL NOTES: ======================================================= This zip file contains ActiveLock 1.5 for VB5 and VB6, KeyGenerator and sample code. It is very important that you install ActiveLock correctly, or you won't be able to use the control / sample code. 1. Extract all the files to any folder; 2. Execute (double-click) install.bat. 3. Enable ActiveLock control in the Controls tab of the Visual Basic Components dialog box. If you have any problems to register ActiveLock on your system, try to register it manually: Click on Start menu, select "Run" and type: regsvr32 [path]\nslock15vb5.ocx regsvr32 [path]\nslock15vb6.ocx (Example: regsvr32 C:\ActiveLock\nslock15vb5.ocx) ======================================================= ======================================================= DISTRIBUTION NOTES ======================================================= ActiveLock is provided free of charge. Feel free to use and distribute the OCX (and/or this ZIP file) with your VB projects. ActiveLock is 100% run-time royalty free. ======================================================= ======================================================= GET THE LASTEST VERSION ======================================================= Our goal is to make ActiveLock the best solution available. Download the latest version at our web site: http://www.insite.com.br/~nferraz/activelock/ ======================================================= ======================================================= Nelson Ferraz nferraz@insite.com.br